Mechanic and Robotic

Thanks to its qualified engineers and relying robotic know how, this group has employed modern technologies and high quality equipment to supply customers and industry holders with impressive engineering solutions and productive technical services conforming accredited international standards. The remarkable experiences, achieved during last 16 years, support this group to introduce its expertise in design, manufacturing, installation, and running robotic applications for different industries; such Robotics and Mechanics Department relied on knowledge acquisition and installation of around 900 industrial robots by using a variety of feature meets all the needs of its customers in the fields of robotics and tools. as automotive, chemical, food, sanitary, ceramic, tile, etc.

Available Services

Robotic Systems Group offers effective solutions to make the customers achieve required flexibility and desired reliability in production processes. Through a great number of projects (around 1600 different industrial robotic applications), TAM has proven its abilities to create automation system solutions for customers who are looking for huge production lines or small working cells in automotive and general industries. The achievements have been extended to a variety of applications such as robotic spot welding, arc welding, stud welding, projection welding, material handling, sealer and PVC spraying, painting,

metal Spraying, flaming, high pressure water jet cutting and cleaning, foundry, pick & placing, packaging, prototyping, marking and inspection.

TAM has installed robots in inter-press and die-casting, BIW, paint and final assembly production lines as well as vehicle component production lines such as engine, axle, engine cradle, etc. which are implementing mass production.

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